TOLL-FREE 877-240-8350

As published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, in 1907

Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Thursday, Jan. 3, 1907


Chas. Kerr is on a business trip to Los Angeles.

Arthur Dispain is here from Bagdad for the holidays.

Mrs. F. Meehan left here this morning for a short visit at Los Angeles.

Seasonable fresh fruits and vegetables always in stock at the Tehachapi Market.

Choice stationery and Holiday Goods at the Telephone Confectionary Store.

The Ladies Aid will meet at the residence of Mrs. Powell next Wednesday.

For Sail — Very Cheap. 2 beds, 1 heater stove, 1 large cook stove. Inquire at the M.E. Parsonage.

Order some of that choice mincemeat, corned beef, etc., from the Tehachapi Market.

Mrs. S.H. Witt spent a few days in Los Angeles this week.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Jameson arrived from Los Angeles Tuesday.

Miss Bessie Turner spent the holidays here with the family.

John Blackley was a visitor here from El Monte last Sunday.

Mrs. Geo Yaeger is here from Arbuckle visiting with relatives.

Miss Millie Buhn is here from Los Angeles visiting with her sister, Mrs. D.S. Clark

An Epsworth League social and entertainment is being arranged for the near future.

Mrs. Lorentzen will lead the Epsworth League next Sunday evening. All are welcome.

There will be no preaching service at the M.E. Church next Sunday as the pastor Rev. Hilton will hold service at Lancaster and Mojave next week.

FOR SALE CHEAP — A Victor Talking Machine, 50 records and a carrying case for records. Dr. G.T. VanVoorhees.

NOTE — Dumping rubbish upon, and making roads through, my lots in the town of Tehachapi is positively forbidden. — Mrs. A. Pauly


This transcription keeps the original spelling and punctuation for the sake of historical accuracy, although more paragraph breaks may be added to aid readers. When errors of fact or the spelling of names of people or places are known, they will be noted below, as appropriate.

Index notes: Kerr, Chas.; Dispain, Arthur; Meehan, Mrs. F,; Powell, Mrs.; Witt, Mrs. S.H.; Jameson, Mr. and Mrs. W.J.; Turner, Miss Bessie; Blackley, John; Yaeger, Mrs. Geo.; Buhn, Miss Millie; Clark, Mrs. D.S.; Lorentzen, Mrs.; Hilton, Rev.; VanVoorhees, Dr. G.T.; Pauly, Mrs. A.