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As published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, in 1907

Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Feb. 8, 1907

A, Notine was visiting at Los Angeles the first of this week.

N.L. Smith was in from his Oak Creek ranch yesterday.

L.P. Fickert was in town from his Bear Valley ranch yesterday.

Mrs. F.L. Borgwardt of Bakersfield, who has been visiting in Bear Valley during the past week, is now

Miss Bertha Brite will lead the Epworth league next Sunday evening.

Mrs. P. Lorentzen is making a short visit in Southern California.

Fred A. Fickert was attending to land business in Bakersfield this week.

G.H. Pipit was here Monday from Mojave looking after some S.P. cars.

It is reported taht work will be started at the Pine Tree mine again soon.

The time of Epworth League and M.E. Church services will hereafter will be as follows: Epworth League 7 P.M., Preaching service, 7:30.

Through the courtesy of Hon. S.C. Smith, the Tomahawk has a lot of vegetable seeds for free distribution. Call, or send 2 cents for postage.

Jesse Brite has entered the employe of the S.P. company here as check clerk.

Jos. Gainger, Waterman Garinger Co., spent several days in Los Angeles this week in the hands of a “tooth carpenter.”

The Epworth League will give a St. Valentine’s party at Mrs. Clarks Hotel on the evening of the 14th. Invitations will be given by the League.

Jos. M. Jackley and little daughter, who had been visiting in Southern California, returned Tuesday morning.

Mrs. G.T. Van Voorhees spent a few days in Los Angeles the first of this week.

Quite a “head” of water was running down G street this week. The water is from Antelope canyon and will probably run all summer.

Louie Kessing and A. Notine have done a good job cleaning the getter in front of the Kessing block. They have set an example that any others could fallow that would greatly improve the appearance of G street.

The stream of water that ran down G. street a few days caused Denison & Co;s lower warehouse to fall last Monday. The water spread under the house soaking the ground to such an extent that the south side came down. The house is partly filled with hay but very little damage was done except to the house itself.

the guest of Mrs. R.M.Spencer.

“Bob” Freeman took off his coat yesterday and assisted in the “cleanup” at the Kessing Corner.

Martin Tanco, whose absence caused some uneasiness among his friends hese last Tuesday, was visiting in Mojave and returned Wednesday morning.

The demand for Tehachapi lime is said to be enough th put all our kilns to their greatest capacity but the “car famine” is holding the manufacturers down to a small out put.

The Epworth League will give an entertainment at Chormicle hall Friday night, February 8th, and the following program has been arranged for the occasion:

Piano Selection, Miss H. Wiggins.

Mandolin Solo, Piano accomp’t, Piano Selection, Miss Daisy Clark.

A Home Scene – The Result of a Practical Joke,
Mr. Stone, a householder, Dr. Van Voorhees
Mrs. Stone, his wife, Mrs. Jackley.
Helen, their daughter, Miss Mattie Turner.
Bettie, their maid, Miss M. Vance.
Mrs. Ramsey, the next door neighbor, Mrs. S.H. Witt.
Stephen Howard, a practical joker, Paul Lorentzen.
Samuel Tracy, his friend, Perry Brite.

Song, “Why don’t they play with me,” Ruby Brite and Jeneveve Lorentzen.

Piano Selection, Miss H. Wiggins.

Refreshments will be served at the close of the program. Admission, 10c.


This transcription keeps the original spelling and punctuation for the sake of accuracy, although more paragraph breaks may be added to aid readers. When errors of fact, or the spelling of names of people or places are known, they will be noted here, as appropriate.

Editor’s Note: I’ve noticed a great number of typographical errors in the editions from February 1907 that I have transcribed so far and I’ve left them in keeping with my intent to preserved the original. It may not be clear, but the collection of names that follow the words “A Home Scene – The Result of a Practical Joke” appear to be the names of characters in a play to be presented at the Epworth League’s upcoming entertainment program, along with the names of people who would play the parts. I should also note that G Street in those days is now known as Tehachapi Boulevard. The Kessing Block, also known as the Kessing Building, was a brick building facing G Street just east of Green Street. An earlier frame building there, said to be the first frame building in Tehachapi, was replaced in 1905 by a brick building that was destroyed the 1952 earthquake.

Index notes: Borgwardt, Mrs. F.L., Brite, Jesse, Brite, Miss Bertha, Brite, Perry, Brite, Ruby, Clark, Miss Daisy, Clark, Mrs., Fickert, Fred A., Fickert, L.P., Freeman, Bob, Gainger, Jos., Jackley, Jos M., Jackley, Mrs., Kessing, Louie, Lorentzen, Jeneveve, Lorentzen, Mrs. P., Lorentzen, Paul, Notine, A., Pipit, G.H., Smith, Hon. S.C., Smith, N.L., Spencer, Mrs. R.M., Tanco, Martin, Turner, Miss Mattie, Van Voorhees, Dr., Van Voorhees, Mrs. G.T., Vance, Miss M., Wiggins, Miss H., Witt, Mrs. S.H.