As published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, in 1907
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 11, 1907
G.C. Green of Randsburg, spent a few days in Tehachapi the first of this week.
The officers of the local lodge of Masons will be installed to-morrow night.
Miss Millie Buhn returned to her home in Los Angeles Wednesday.
F. Meehan and son: Frances, were passengers south Wednesday.
Prayer meeting and song service next Thursday evening at the M.E. Parsonage.
The Epsworth League will be led by Mrs. Van Vourhees next Sunday.
John Ripley, the new constable at Caliente, was on the “hill” Saturday evening.
R.R. Taylor, Jas. M. Brite and F. Meehan made a hurried business trip to Bakersfield Monday.
For Sail — Very Cheap, 2 beds, 1 heater stove, 1 large cook stove. Inquire at M.E. Parsonage.
FOR SALE, CHEAP — A Victor Talking Machine, 50 records and a carrying case for records. — Dr. G.T. VanVoorhees
A cottage meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Turner next Tuesday after noon at 3 o’clock. All welcome.
D.S. Clark and J.A. Durnal [or possibly Durnel] have returned from their prospecting trip in Death valley. The severe weather was too much for them.
Mr. Mary Hickey of Prescott, who had spent her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. T.P. Sullivan, returned last week to her studies at the seminary in Santa Clara.
B.M. Denison arrived Wednesday morning from Greenwater. He took out the Denison and Hill freighting outfit some time ago. He says the roads are in such condition that freighting is out of the question for several months and their teams are now on a retreat to this home port.
The Missouri Girl with Zeke and Daisy and their fun making associates will be seen at Ashers opera house next Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1907.
It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Taylor will leave here in a few days for Southern California and that they will make Pasadena their home. The change is being made for the benefit of Mr. Taylor’s heart, which has been very poor for some time.
The brightest, cleanest, funniest play on the market is the Missouri Girl, which will be seen at Asher’s opera house next Wednesday Jan. 16 1907.
This transcription keeps the original spelling and punctuation for the sake of historical accuracy, although more paragraph breaks may be added to aid readers. When errors of fact or the spelling of names of people or places are known, they will be noted below, as appropriate.
Index notes: Green, G.C.; Buhn, Miss Millie; Meehan, F.; Meehan, Frances; Van Vourhees, Mrs.; Ripley, John; Taylor, R.R.; Heath, Chas.; Brite, Jas. M.; VanVoorhees, Dr. G.T.; Clark, D.S.; Durnal/Durnel, J.A.; Hickey, Mary; Sullivan, Mrs. T.P.; Denison, B.M., Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R.S.
Editor’s Note: You may have noticed that “Missouri Girl” was playing at Asher’s Opera House the next Wednesday after this edition. The date was given as Jan. 15 in one location and Jan. 16 a few lines down. I have confirmed that it was Jan. 16. From my research so far, it appears that “The Missouri Girl” was a traveling play.