As published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, in 1907
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 18, 1907
Miss Jessie Powell will lead the Epworth Laguee meeting next Sunday evening.
Prayer Meeting and Song-service at the Parsonage next Thursday evening. All are welcome.
Wa. Wiggins arrived from Nesa, Arizona, Sunday morning.
Clifford Wiggins was attending legal business in Bakersfield last Monday.
Mrs. F.C. Chormicle and son are visiting with relatives at Fillmore.
D.A. Powell returned last Friday from a short visit in Southern California.
Charles Kerr, of Kerr & Jones, returned Sunday morning from a business trip to Los Angeles.
Mrs. Geo Yaiger, who was visiting relatives here, returned Saturday morning to her home at Arbuckle.
BORN — At Tehachapi, January 4, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin *ilthey, a son.
Mrs. E.T. Smith is visiting in Southern California.
Sam Krystal, a Mojave merchant, was visiting here last Sunday.
A. Asher, formerly of Mojave but now of Los Angeles, was visiting with his brother, Chas. Asher, here Sunday.
A.J. Moore was a visitor here Saturday and Sunday from Keene.
There will be a regular meeting of the local chapter of the order of Eastern Star next Wednesday evening.
The Denison & Hill freight teams arrived yesterday, fourteen days out from Greenwater. E. Chappell and J. Harvey have been with the teams since they left here about two months ago, and they report the worst weather ever encountered on the desert. The roads are impassable and freighting is not to be considered at present. The owners will probably take the teams out as soon as the weather moderates.
R.R. Taylor is again confined to his bed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kizer. Mr. Taylor and family had arranged to leave for Pasadena Wednesday night and were to spend the evening at the Kizer residence. Early in the evening Mr. Taylor’s condition made it necessary that Dr. Van Voorhees be called in and the journey postponed. The patient is reported to be slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Fletche and children arrived this morning from Selesbyville, Tuolumne county for a few days with friends and relatives here before proceeding to Los Angeles. Mr. Fletcher was formerly postmaster here and has spent the last year at Solesbyville where he was engaged in mining.
A.C. Klopproth, of Mojave, is visiting with friends here to day. He reports an unusual amount of rain on the desert this season and thinks conditions will be favorable for increased activity in prospecting and mining on all parts of that arid country.
Charles H. Smith expects to department tomorrow evening for Greenwater where he will resume the work intirrupted by his recent illness. Mr. Smith expects a great rush in the spring and wishes to hold a place on the ground floor.
This transcription keeps the original spelling and punctuation for the sake of accuracy, although more paragraph breaks may be added to aid readers. When errors of fact, or the spelling of names of people or places are known, they will be noted here, as appropriate.
Editor’s Note: Epworth Laguee should have been Epworth League. The asterisk (*) above means that a letter isn’t showing, and I can’t figure out what it may have been. Solesbyville should have been spelled Soulsbyville.
Index notes: Asher, A., Asher, Chas., Chappell, E., Chormicke, Mrs. F.C., Fletcher, J.W, Harvey, J., Kerr, Charles, Kizer, Joe, Klopproth, A.C., Krystal, Sam, Moore, A.J., Powell, D.A., Powell, Jessie, Smith, Charles H., Smith, Mrs. E.T., Taylor, R.R., Van Voorhees, Dr., Wiggins, Clifford, Wiggins, Wa., Yaiger, Geo.