As published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, in 1907
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 18, 1907
At a special meeting of Tehachapi Lodge No. 313 F. & A.M. the recently elected officers were ushered into their respective offices with the impressive installation ceremony.
Past Master G.H. Pippitt acted as Installing Officer and Bro. O.A. Burton, a visiting Brother from Fon du Lac, Wisconsin, acted as Master of Ceremonies.
The following is a list of the officers installed: Worthy Master, P.J. McFarlane; Senior Warden, F.C. Chormicle; Junior Warden, C. Heath; Treasurer, E.J.H. Nicholson; Secretary, G.T. VanVoorhees; Senior Deacon, Phil Marx; Junior Deacon, J.D. Moore; Senior Stewart, Geo. Hastings; Junior Stewart, L.R. Vance; Marshall, G. H. Pippitt. The Tyler was not present and will be installed later.
Some very earnest and pertinent remarks by the new officers, past masters, and bretheren met attentive ears before the Lodge closed for the purpose of refreshment.
The luncheon, which was prepared by the Ladies Aid of the M.E. Church, was served in the lodge room with hot coffee prepared by some of the handy brothers.
Stories were told, vocal and instrumental music rendered, and before the cigars ceased burning it was “low twelve” and then some.
The following visitors were present: W.S. Culverhouse, Phoenix Lodge No. 167, San Bernardino, Cal; Ed. G. Elliott, Mt. Moriah Lodge, No. 6, Green Water, Wyoming; O.A. Burton, Fon du Lac Lodge, No. 140, Fon du Lac, Wisconsin.
This transcription keeps the original spelling and punctuation for the sake of accuracy, although more paragraph breaks may be added to aid readers. When errors of fact, or the spelling of names of people or places are known, they will be noted here, as appropriate.
Editor’s note: The titles for officers noted in the article, “Senior Stewart” and “Junior Stewart,” are as published although my research shows that the correct word for both titles is “Steward.” The office identified as “Tyler” is an accepted spelling, although “Tiler” may be more common now.
Index notes: Names: Burton, O.A., Chormicle, F.C., Elliott. Ed. G., Hastings, Geo., Heath, C., Marx, Phil, McFarlane, P.J., Moore, J.D., Nicholson, E.J.H., Pippitt, G.H., Vance, L.R., VanVoorhees, G.T.; Organizations: Masonic Lodge, Ladies Aid of the M.E. Church