As published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, in 1907
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 18, 1907
On information from Caliente last Wednesday night, that a car had been broken into, Constable Williamson made his first arrest.
The man who gave the name of C. Burns taken from a south bound train and had a new pair of lady’s shoes, two overcoats, and other articles in his possession.
Pending further investigation a pety charge was placed against the Burns to which he plead guilty and was committed to the care of Sheriff Lelly for ten days.
This transcription keeps the original spelling and punctuation for the sake of accuracy, although more paragraph breaks may be added to aid readers. When errors of fact, or the spelling of names of people or places are known, they will be noted here, as appropriate.
Editor’s Note: Although the original article clearly referenced “Sheriff Lelly,” I believe the reference may have been to John W. Kelly, sheriff in Kern County from 1902 to January 1910.
Index notes: Burns, C., Williamson, Constable; Kelly, Sheriff