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As published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, in 1907

Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 25, 1907

The lately elected officers to Tehachapi Lodge of the order Knights of Pythias were duly installed in their respective stations last Tuesday evening.

Past Chancellor C. Heath acted as installing officer and was ably assisted by Past Chancellor D.S. Clark as grand prelate, and Past Chancellor D.A. Powell as grand master at arms.

After the regular business was finished and the installation ceremonies closed a nice luncheon was spread in the lodge room and those present enjoyed a few hours of that social intercourse that does so much for the good of the order.

The following is a list of the new officers:

Chancellor commander, F.C. Chormicle; vice chancellor;M. Koehlar, prelate; G.T. VanVoorhees; keeper of records and seal, C. Heath; master of finance, L.F. Krekeler; master of the exchequer, F. Meehan; master at arms, A. Notine; master of the work J.M. Jackley; inner guard, P.L. Laffargue; outer guard, E.J.H. Nicholson; trustee, three years, L.F. Brite, one year, Nicholson.
This transcription keeps the original spelling and punctuation for the sake of accuracy, although more paragraph breaks may be added to aid readers. When errors of fact, or the spelling of names of people or places are known, they will be noted here, as appropriate.

Index notes: Brite, L.F., Chormicle, F.C., Clark, D.S., Heath, C., Jackley, J.M., Koehlar, M., Krekeler,L.F., Laggargue, P.O., Nicholson, E.J.H., Meehan, F., Notine, A, Powell, D.A., VanVoorhees, G.T.