1907, The Tomahawk Project
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 11, 1907 _____ The resignation of R.R. Taylor as Justice of the Peace, was accepted by the Board of Supervisors last Tuesday. The matter of appointing a successor came up yesterday. Two...
1907, The Tomahawk Project
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 11, 1907 _____ An explosion at the Chormicle plant aroused many of our residents la;n Saturday night. Fortunately, no serious damage resulted further than scorching Mr. Chormicle’s hair...
1907, The Tomahawk Project
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 11, 1907 _____ The town of Tehachapi is under double police patrol just now; not because of any unusual lawlessness, present or threatened, but because two different men are trying to hold...
1907, The Tomahawk Project
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Thursday, Jan. 3, 1907 _____ Chas. Kerr is on a business trip to Los Angeles. Arthur Dispain is here from Bagdad for the holidays. Mrs. F. Meehan left here this morning for a short visit at Los Angeles....
1907, The Tomahawk Project
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 3, 1907 _____ An account of affliction from rheumatism A.J, Blackley has moved to Alhambra where he has purchased a home and engaged in farming. Mr. Blackley still retains his interest in the...
1907, The Tomahawk Project
Originally published in The Tomahawk, Tehachapi, California, on Friday, Jan. 3, 1907 _____ The fierce storm of Monday night seriously interfered with the anticipated attendance at the Masquerade ball, but there was a fair attendance and all who braved the storm were...